Home » Apple was fined 150 crore in Brazil and obliged to sell iPhone with chargers

Apple was fined 150 crore in Brazil and obliged to sell iPhone with chargers

Apple stated that it chose to lessen carbon emissions.

On Thursday, a Brazilian court fined Apple Inc. 100 million reais ($19 million) and decided that new iPhones sold in the nation must come with battery chargers.

The group of debtors, consumers, and taxpayers sued Apple, claiming that the business engaged in unfair trade practices by selling its flagship product without a charger. The Sao Paulo state court decided against Apple in the case.

Apple declared that it would contest the ruling.

The IT company has previously claimed that the technique was intended to cut carbon emissions.

“It is evident that, under the justification of a ‘green initiative,’ the defendant imposes on the consumer a required purchase of charger adaptors that were previously supplied along with the product,” according to the court’s ruling.