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Dargahs will be relocated to make way for BRTS

I have ordered officials to complete the work on Nagar Road BRTS route. Also, I called a meeting of citizens, civic activists, local corporators, and NGOs on the issue.

Belagavi: The Hazarat Syed Khadri Mohammed Shah Dargah, located between Hubballi and Dharwad, would be relocated, according to Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai, to ensure that the Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) track is free of obstructions.

The CM stated that government officials had already met with Dargah authorities to discuss the relocation of the tomb. He stated that the Dargah officials had agreed to transfer the structures safely.

Responding to the demand of Opposition Congress members, including Leader of the Opposition Siddaramaiah, that the Dargah be allowed to remain in its current location, the CM argued that it was necessary to relocate it since it would narrow the road. “We have already abandoned 11 places of worship, and I have donated the family land measuring 19 guntas for the road widening,” the Chief Minister added.

Previously, Mr. Siddaramaiah urged that the Dargah not be dismantled because it is famed for its syncretic traditions. However, BJP members, notably local MLA Arvind Bellad, emphasized that there should be no undue preference.