Home » The Process of Reviewing the Annual Operations Plan Includes Layoffs: Amazon

The Process of Reviewing the Annual Operations Plan Includes Layoffs: Amazon

According to sources, efforts are being made to absorb staff from other units.

Bengaluru: Even as word of layoffs inundated social media channels, Amazon stated that the present layoffs were part of the yearly operational planning review process.

According to sources in India, 200-300 employees may be put off, with efforts made to absorb as many as feasible within the company’s various business groups. According to the sources, only those unable to locate a suitable replacement will be asked to go.

Sources close to the situation also stated that each company was assessing their workforce. “The global macro environment cannot be denied.” However, Amazon is a large corporation, and each business unit has its processes and legal requirements; someone may be considering a voluntary separation programme as well,” said a source familiar with the internal events.

According to media accounts, Indian employees in the retail sector received emails proposing a voluntary departure.

According to a LinkedIn post, the voluntary separation programme featured a 12-week lump sum payout for Indian employees. This equates to three months’ base income plus one week’s base salary for every six months of service, the continuation of health insurance coverage until the end of December 2022, and “forgiveness” of any outstanding liabilities for signing bonus or relocation expenditures.

Those who choose to participate in the programme must notify the employer by November 30, and if they change their minds, they must do so by December 5.

Amazon has stated that it is laying off people internationally, though no particular figure has been provided. According to international press sources, 10,000 people have been laid off.

Meanwhile, in an internal blog, Amazon’s senior vice president of devices and services, Dave Limp, said: “After a thorough review, we have decided to merge some teams and programmes.” As a result of these decisions, specific responsibilities will no longer be required. It pains me to convey this news because we know it will result in the loss of talented Amazonians from the Devices & Services organisation.” This could affect 10-20 persons in India.

Limp stated that the company had told the affected employees on Wednesday and will “continue to work closely with each individual to provide support, including assisting in the search for other employment.” When employees cannot find a new position within the company, he stated, “we will help the transition with a package that includes a separation payment, transitional benefits, and external job placement support.

According to sources, the web services or cloud business team may be spared from layoffs. “No email has yet been received by the web services or cloud business teams.” But, yes, there are problems in the e-commerce/retail market,” stated another anonymous insider.