Home » Two LET Militants Were Killed in a Shootout in Anantnag, J&k; a Trained Dog Assisted the Army in Snatching Weapons

Two LET Militants Were Killed in a Shootout in Anantnag, J&k; a Trained Dog Assisted the Army in Snatching Weapons

While ‘successful in destabilising the terrorists,’ the assault dog was shot at, seriously injured, and is fighting for his life.

Jammu & Kashmir: During an anti-militancy operation in south Kashmir’s Anantnag district on Monday, the Army used a trained dog to seize weapons from two holed-up militants. However, the dog, Zoom, and a soldier were injured during the encounter.

Zoom, an Army assault dog, was deployed in the target house to retrieve the weapon from terrorists and pull them out of hiding in the Tangpawa area, where an anti-militancy operation was launched on October 9 evening, according to an Army spokesperson.

“Continuous surveillance of the target house, cordon re-adjustment, and intermittent exchange of fire throughout the night confirmed the presence of two terrorists in the house.” One of the terrorists was injured, which was discovered by technical assets. “Zoom was sent into the target house to recover the weapon from the terrorists and bring them out of hiding,” said the spokesperson.

Zoom, described as brave by the Army, is currently fighting for his life at a military veterinary hospital.

The militants were apprehended after the J&K Police received a tip, followed by a joint operation of the Army, police, and the Central Reserve Police Force.

During the encounter, one soldier was also injured. “The terrorists, sensing their vulnerability, attempted to breach the cordon and opened indiscriminate automatic fire while lobbying grenades, injuring one brave soldier.” “Despite his injuries, the soldier delivered accurate fire, injuring a terrorist,” the Army said.

According to the Army, the terrorists took forceful refuge in a local citizen’s home. “Army troops held their fire and began evacuating civilians from the target area,” according to the Army.

According to the Army, two AK series weapons and one pistol were recovered from the site of the encounter.

Aasif Ahmad Reshi of Bijbehara’s Sheikhpora Marhama and Wakeel Ahmad Bhat of Anantnag’s Naibasti Marhama was identified as the slain militants. Both were members of the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT).