Home » Excessive Exercise Can Harm Your Heart ❤️ : Learn How to Improve Your Cardiac Health

Excessive Exercise Can Harm Your Heart ❤️ : Learn How to Improve Your Cardiac Health

Chronic severe exercise training and endurance event competition can cause heart damage and rhythm issues. People who have hereditary risk factors are particularly vulnerable.

New Delhi:  While daily exercise can reduce your risk of a heart attack, increasing the intensity of your workout can have the opposite effect and make you more vulnerable to cardiac mortality. Here’s what you should do.

Activities that are excellent for weight loss may not benefit your heart. Intensive gymming as a way to lose weight has come under scrutiny after many celebrities, including comedian Raju Srivastava, who is fighting for his life in an almost brain-dead condition, and Kannada superstar Puneeth Rajkumar, have suffered heart attacks in gyms as a result of spending too much time working on their fitness levels. Cardiologists believe that while moderate exercise can reduce your risk of having a heart attack, exceeding a certain level of intensity can reverse the benefits and make you more vulnerable to cardiac death.

That picture-perfect chiseled figure may come at the expense of your heart health, and the desire to seem better and more attractive may lead people to push themselves beyond a healthy limit. Some seemingly healthy persons may already suffer from heart difficulties because symptoms do not often appear until it is too late. Before you enter the gym with passion, you should first examine your heart health.

Some Guidelines for Improving Heart Health

  • Alter your Dietary Habits.

Diet has a significant impact on your overall heart health. Regardless of what trendy diets urge, fresh fruits and vegetables will never go out of vogue. Consume lean meats and fish, entire grains, and an abundance of fruits and vegetables.

Limit alcohol consumption and avoid “liquid calories” like sodas and juices. These beverages are high in sugar and provide little nutritional value. Eliminating beverages such as lattes and sodas can result in long-term weight loss and a healthier heart.

  • Get Up and Move Your Body!

A sedentary lifestyle can be highly damaging to your heart health. Regular moderate to strenuous exercise will strengthen your cardiac muscles and increase blood circulation, among other benefits.

Adults should undertake at least 30 minutes of moderate activity five days a week, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). “Moderate exercise” is any activity that keeps your heart rate high. You may break a tiny sweat, but your heart will be grateful.

Aerobic activity is good for your heart, but if you’re new to it, start cautiously and gradually increase your intensity. Exercise is not only excellent for your heart; it can also improve your mood and increase your immune system. Among the various sorts of aerobic activities are the following:

  1. Vigorous walking/jogging
  2. Swimming
  3. Sports involving bicycles, such as basketball or tennis

Strength training and improving your heart and immune system can help you avoid injury and reduce weight.

  • Sleeping Schedule

Nothing beats a good night’s sleep, yet that does not always come naturally. Work or family demands can sometimes prevent you from obtaining a whole night’s sleep, but if this happens only occasionally, it is unlikely to harm your health.

If you have difficulties sleeping, doctors recommend keeping your bedroom at a cooler temperature and keeping it entirely dark. Avoid eating a large meal right before night and going to bed hungry. Drinking alcohol right before bedtime might also cause sleep disruption.

  • Control your Stress.

We all deal with stress differently, whether through lack of sleep, annoyance, stress eating, or other means. Stress is a normal part of life, and our bodies are designed to deal with it. When stress becomes excessive, it can have a harmful influence on your body.

Stress can cause hypertension and provoke illnesses such as asthma or irritable bowel syndrome. Stress hormones can accumulate quickly in your body. Therefore your health must take time to rest and decompress.

Breathing exercises and relaxation techniques can help reduce tension and anxiety, which can help lower blood pressure. Physical activity, as well as avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol intake, can assist in alleviating stress.

  • Stop Smoking

Tobacco use and cardiovascular/heart disease have a solid link. 1 in every 5 smokers has cardiovascular disease. Smokers frequently have high blood pressure and are at a higher risk of stroke and heart attack.

Cigarette smokers are two to four times more likely than nonsmokers to develop heart disease, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Furthermore, persons regularly exposed to secondhand smoke have a larger risk of developing heart disease than those who do not.

Many people have recently shifted away from regular cigarettes and toward e-cigarettes, although these still contain addictive nicotine and other substances. Users of e-cigarettes are trading one unhealthy option for a somewhat less unhealthy option.