Home » The Delhi BJP calls on the AAP government to release a “white paper” on the worsening pollution conditions in the nation’s capital

The Delhi BJP calls on the AAP government to release a “white paper” on the worsening pollution conditions in the nation’s capital

As the city’s air quality deteriorated to the severe category on Monday, Virendra Sachdeva, the working president of the Delhi BJP, expressed concern.

Delhi pollution: As the city’s air quality continues to worsen, the working president of the Delhi BJP, Virendra Sachdeva, asked on Tuesday that the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)-led administration to publish a white paper on the issue right once.

“It is shocking to see that all the tall claims made by CM Arvind Kejriwal of ensuring clean air in Delhi and controlling pollution levels have fallen flat, and for the last two days, Delhiites are living in an ‘air emergency’ situation,” said Sachdeva.

His comments were made after the city’s air quality fell into the severe category on Monday and reached an average of 410 for the previous 24 hours as of 4 pm. On Tuesday, however, the overall AQI was 376 at 11 am, and pollution levels had improved to the inferior category.

Remarks made by the Delhi BJP regarding pollution

With winds and consistent sunshine during the previous three weeks, Delhi’s pollution condition had improved significantly. However, today is the “worst circumstance” due to the haze and sinking temperature. According to him, people are experiencing health problems due to this transition, particularly youngsters and the elderly.

According to Sachdeva, Delhi is “suffering” because, on the one hand, dust pollution has increased as a result of the city’s roads being dug up and broken due to the “callousness” of the Kejriwal administration’s public works department, and, on the other hand, people are being compelled to drive more and more private vehicles because public transportation is “unreliable.”

 The Kejriwal government’s announcement on smog towers and guns have proved to be an eyewash and a source of corruption, as Sachdeva claimed. However, there was no immediate reaction from the Delhi government.