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Tulsi: The Wonder Herb of Ayurveda

The most revered herb in Hinduism is tulsi, often known as Tulsi. The term “tulsi” means “unmatchable” or “incomparable.” It has several therapeutic applications and health advantages. Nearly every Hindu home has a Tulsi plant in front of it. Every year in Kartik month, Hindus celebrate Tulsi Vivah, which commemorates the union of a Tulsi plant and a Shaligram (a manifestation of Bhagwan Vishnu). For Hindus, it is more than just a plant; it is like a deity.

Tulsi Potential Uses

1. It functions internally and externally as a detoxifying, cleansing, and purifying agent. As a result, it benefits the skin when ingested and administered topically.

2. It also works well for ringworms, itching, and skin conditions.

3. It can be consumed fresh, powdered, or made into beverages.

Either in paste form or as herbal supplements.

4. It contains antibiotic, viral, bacterial, and antiviral properties.

Cancer-causing qualities.

5. It aids in reducing symptoms of chest congestion, flu, colds, headaches, and fever.

6. It helps treat respiratory conditions such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, and other similar conditions.

7. Aids reduce stress, boosts immunity, and promote healthy digestion.

8. It is loaded with phytonutrients, essential oils, Vitamin A and C

9. Regular tulsi consumption can also aid in balancing various bodily processes.

10. It counters elevated blood sugar levels and benefits people with diabetes.

11. It helps regulate uric acid levels in the body, eliminating the risks of developing kidney stones. It is also beneficial for those who have kidney stones.

12. It can ward off the harmful effects of free radicals.