Home » ‘Urined’ on a woman, Bengaluru-based Air India pilot Shankar Mishra was detained

‘Urined’ on a woman, Bengaluru-based Air India pilot Shankar Mishra was detained

The Delhi police have raided Mishra’s offices in Mumbai and Bengaluru. After receiving credible information regarding Mishra’s whereabouts, the Delhi police sent a team to Bengaluru to arrest him.

Shankar Mishra, accused of urinating on an older woman while drunk on an Air India aircraft in November 2022, was caught late Friday in Bengaluru by Delhi Police. He was said to be on the run, and the police had issued a lookout notice to find him.

Misha, 34, had been shifting his location regularly in order to avoid arrest. As a result, the Delhi police conducted raids on Mishra’s offices in Mumbai and Bengaluru.

After receiving credible information regarding Mishra’s whereabouts, the Delhi police sent a team to Bengaluru to apprehend him.

The Delhi Police claimed the Look Out Circular (LOC) was issued against Mishra after he failed to cooperate with the probe.

Mishra has been charged with violating Indian Penal Code sections 294 (obscene act in public place), 354 (assault or criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty), 509 (word, gesture, or act intended to insult a woman’s modesty), and 510 (misconduct in public by a drunken person), as well as Aircraft Rules.

On a November 26 Air India aircraft from New York to Delhi, Mishra allegedly unzipped his pants and urinated on an elderly woman in business class. He then stated that he apologized to the woman and pleaded with her not to report the incident to the police, citing the impact on his wife and child.

Also Read: For “Urinating” on a female passenger, a guy on board an Air India flight from New York to Delhi..

The passenger conveyed her anger in a letter to Tata Group Chairman N Chandrasekharan, accusing the Air India cabin personnel of being incredibly insensitive to the situation.

She claimed that the crew members finally changed her pyjamas and slippers after she complained about Mishra’s pee soaking into her garments. According to the elder co-passenger, she was forced to face Mishra mid-flight as soon as he began to sober up from his intoxicated state.

Mishra’s lawyers claimed on Friday that he had exchanged texts with the woman who made the complaint and that he had even paid her Rs 15,000 in compensation and had her possessions cleaned. However, the money was reportedly returned to the woman’s daughter after a month since they couldn’t accept it.