Home » Why Is Diabetes Education an Appropriate Theme for World Diabetes Day 2022?

Why Is Diabetes Education an Appropriate Theme for World Diabetes Day 2022?

According to a survey released by the International Diabetic Federation, one in every four persons does not receive the diabetes education they require when diagnosed.

India: According to a report on World Diabetes Day by the International Diabetic Federation (IDF), one in every four patients does not receive the diabetes education they require at diagnosis. According to the research, the percentage of such people is 26%.

Diabetes rates are quickly increasing in India, according to the World Health Organization, with an estimated 8.7 percent of diabetics between the ages of 20 and 70. As a result, this year’s World Diabetes Day topic of ‘Access to diabetes education is appropriate and urgent because raising awareness is one of the most effective approaches to prevent or delay the start of the condition.

“Because of a lack of knowledge about the disease and its effects, most people disregard the early indicators of diabetes. Diabetes is not just one of the deadliest noncommunicable diseases of our day; it has also been dubbed the “silent killer” on numerous occasions, “Thieme Senior Director, Medical Communication & Sales, Dr. Nitendra Sesodia, remarked.

Dr. Sesodia said that the disease typically sneaks up on you, and before you know it, a lot of harm has been done. It is, therefore, critical to raise awareness and educate others about the condition and its impact on the family and support network of those affected.

The number of diabetics is rapidly increasing. The IDF expects that one in every nine persons globally will have diabetes by 2030.

“Diabetes, as a lifestyle disease with diverse causal causes, necessitates a multifaceted approach to tackle the rising epidemic. Currently, only fragmented care is available, particularly because the Indian health delivery system is designed more for acute care than chronic care. Prevention is the key to combating this serious public health issue, “Vikram Thaploo, CEO of Apollo Telehealth, stated

Four in ten (42%) diabetics reported appointments lasting less than 15 minutes, which is insufficient time to discuss treatment and provide advice on essential areas like food and exercise.

“Diabetes, if left untreated or unmanaged, can result in life-altering complications such as blindness, amputation, renal failure, heart attack, and stroke. Early education and awareness are required to assist people in recognizing the early diabetes warning signals. There is a wide range of diabetes management devices available today, including monitoring devices and apps that assist a person in monitoring their blood sugar levels and following a suitable diet and exercise regimen, “Thieme Senior Director of Medical Communication and Sales, Dr. Nitendra Sesodia, said.

Furthermore, slightly more than one-third (36%) of people do not have in-person or online consultations with a diabetes educator, nurse, or nutritionist to acquire additional information to help them manage their condition. According to IDF research, one in every five people seek diabetes knowledge through Google (21%), social media (20%), or both.

The involvement of family, a vital cog in care delivery, in the treatment, care, and prevention of diabetes, would also be brought in by digital access and better knowledge distribution on the condition,” stated Dr. Nitendra Sesodia, Senior Director, Medical communication & Sales, Thieme.

“Our research shows that people with diabetes take care of themselves 99% of the time,” stated Professor Andrew Boulton, President of the International Diabetes Federation.

The study also reveals a financing and investment gap in diabetes education for healthcare workers.

Dr. Vikram emphasized the need for a more successful national diabetes prevention programme in India, which will necessitate collaboration from various sources, including medical education, health awareness in schools and colleges, and urban development.

“Several emerging technologies, such as connected medical devices, illness management apps, and telemedicine platforms, have the potential to alleviate the burden. So can developing data science and genomics skills that enable individualized therapies and more successful public health programmes, “Dr. Vikram said.