Home » The Father of Shraddha Walker Suspects ‘love Jihad’ and Demands the Death Penalty for Aftab

The Father of Shraddha Walker Suspects ‘love Jihad’ and Demands the Death Penalty for Aftab

In what could be a fresh twist in the horrible murder of Shraddha Walker, her father fears a ‘love jihad’ element behind her lover Aftab Amin Poonawala’s murdering of his daughter.

New Delhi: The bereaved father has also demanded the death punishment for his daughter’s boyfriend, who sliced her body into 35 pieces and kept them in the refrigerator for 18 days before disposing of them piece by piece.

“I was suspicious of a love jihad approach. We demand that Aftab be hanged. I believe the Delhi Police and the investigation are on the right track. Shraddha was close to her uncle and didn’t speak anything to me, “According to Vikas Walker. He further alleged that he never contacted Aftab and filed the report in Vasai, Mumbai, after she went missing.

The Forensic Team Faced Difficulties

The forensic team had a tough time gathering evidence as Aaftab had ensured to destroy all the traces.

He cleaned the house and the fridge using chemicals. The police did not find a speck of blood in the fridge.

The forensic team had difficulty gathering evidence since Aaftab had ensured that all traces were destroyed.

He used chemicals to clean the house and the refrigerator. The police found no trace of blood in the refrigerator.

The problem would not have been discovered if Shraddha’s friend had not informed her father about his missing daughter. Following this, he filed a report, which resulted in his arrest six months after the terrible murder.